Utility Bills Management


Last Update 5 months ago

a. Add New Utility Bill

To add a new Utility Bill, fill out the form in this section with Utility Bill Category (water, electricity, gas etc created in Utility Bill Categories), year, month, amount and status (due or paid). Then hit Submit and the bill will be added to your list of all utility bills.

b. View All Utility Bills

You will be able to view all your utility bills in this section with details such as the bill category, month, year, amount, status, date of creation, and date of update. Click on actions on the right to edit the information, change status from due to paid, or to remove a specific bill from the list. On the top right there is a search bar where you can look up a specific bill/set of bills by typing in keywords.

c. Utility Bill Categories

Here you can view all the different categories of utility bills along with their date of creation and update. You can click on Actions to change the name of any particular category. On the very right is a box where you can create new bill categories. Just type in the category name and hit submit and it will be added to the existing list.

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