Tenant Management
Last Update 5 bulan yang lalu
- Add New Tenant To add a new tenant, fill out the form in this page with the necessary details, including name, picture, contact information, occupation, assigned bed number, emergency contact information, and id number. You can create ID type in Settings -> ID Types. Hit submit and you will be directed to the ‘View all tenants’ page where you will be able to see the new entry.
- View All Tenants Here you will see a list of all tenants, alongside information like bed and room number, contact and emergency contact information, id type, status (active/inactive) and date of update. If you hover over the tenant’s name, you will be able to see their picture. If you hover over the id type, you will see the id number. At the right there is Actions from where you can view the details of each individual tenant, edit their information, change their picture, or remove them from the list.