Room Management
Last Update 5 เดือนที่แล้ว
- Add New Room In this section, you will see a form for adding a new room to the existing list of rooms. Enter the assigned room number, the floor number, and any additional remarks. Press Submit and you will be directed to the page ‘View all rooms’ where you will be able to see your addition.
- View All Rooms Here you will see a list of all rooms, their respective floors, the date they were created on, and the date of update. On the right side of each entry, there is a button: Actions. You can click on this to edit the information or to remove it entirely. If the cursor is hovered on top of the room number, you will also be able to see the comments made for each room. At the very top left, you will see a drop down menu that will enable you to select the number of records to display on each page. On the top right, there is a search bar where you can search for rooms by entering a specific keyword.