Organizing Media Files in the Library

Desmond Teh

Last Update vor 2 Monaten

Filebird let’s you organize your WordPress media library into folders and organize everything via drag-and-drop. It also comes with many sorting options, a beautiful interface, an optional user-based folder view (for multi-author blogs), export options and a lot more.

First of all, I noticed that the FileBird plugin is pretty streamlined. The latest version of the plugin was only 1.2MB in size. It loads quickly. It feels native… like it was always there.

I immediately began tackling some organization of the over 4,000 files in my library.

Obviously, I’m just getting started using this here at BMA.

Each folder has a nice contextual menu. You access it by right-clicking on any folder. It feels completely natural.

There you’ll see the ability to change the color of the folder icon on individual folders so you can make it suit you.

Renaming, bulk-select, sorting… all of it feels native. Extremely simple to use.

When adding or editing posts, the same interface comes up from the editor.

So, it is super easy to use these folders to find existing images or document in your library to use.

Since I use Elementor on this site as my page builder, I went and tested it there and it works the same way. Just drag and drop an image widget into your page and the folder structure shows up right where you expect it to.

The per-user setting is useful for multi-author blogs if you want to give each author the ability to organize files their own way.

You also have a few settings for the user interface, including a few themes. I just use the default theme, but they have made it so you can make the folders look closer to your operating system.

Under Tools, you’ve got an API for FileBird (for remote access of the file structure). There’s also the ability to clear all data… which will allow you to remove all data form the database so that you can uninstall FileBird without leaving any trace.

Lastly, you’ve got an import/export function so you can move your folder structure around.

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