New Project
Last Update há 8 meses
To create new project go to Projects from the aside menu and click New Project on the top left button.
- Project Name – The name of the project – Visible to customer
- Select customer
- Billing Type – there are 3 billing types for the projects. (auto-selected from the most used billing type)
Billing type cant be changed if any billed tasks found for the project.
- Fixed Cost
- Project Hours – Based on project total billable hours
- Tasks Hours – Based on tasks total billable hours – Total is calculated per task Hourly Rate (When creating task you need to set hourly rate for these tasks if billable.
- Select project members – Only project members and staff who has permission Manage Projects will be able to access the project.
- Start Date
- End Date
- Project Description
Project Settings
Each project can have own settings based on the customer.
- Allow customer to view tasks
- Allow customer to comment on project tasks – Not applied if Allow customer to view tasks is unchecked.
- Allow customer to view task comments- Not applied if Allow customer to view tasks is unchecked.
- Allow customer to view task attachments- Not applied if Allow customer to view tasks is unchecked.
- Allow customer to view task checklist items- Not applied if Allow customer to view tasks is unchecked.
- Allow customer to upload attachments on tasks- Not applied if Allow customer to view tasks is unchecked.
- Allow customer to view task total logged time
- Allow customer to view finance overview – (Finance overview for tasks is not shown if project Billing Type is Fixed Cost)

- Allow customer to upload files
- Allow customer to open discussions
- Allow customer to view milestones
- Allow customer to view Gantt
- Allow customer to view timesheets
- Allow customer to view activity log
- Allow customer to view team members
- When creating new project initialy the default project settings will be taken from the last project. You can adjust if any changes are required.
- Project currency will be your base currency or the customer currency. If the customer have setup currency different then the base currency the currency will be used from the customer profile.
- If your staff members are able to see all projects make sure that the member dont have permissions for projects VIEW. VIEW allows staff member to see ALL projects. If you only want them to see projects they are assigned (added as members), do not give VIEW permissions.